Patient Information

More Than a “Meet and Greet”

The purpose of your initial consultation is for us to understand your concerns and desires and for you to understand the type of practice we are. You need to know if we can deliver the results you want, and what that will take as far as time, the extensiveness of the work performed, and expense. We can only tell you those things by taking the time to listen to you.

Initially, you will meet with our team to discuss your needs and goals. We start off with an interview comprised of questions that help us learn about your needs and goals. We want to know where you are now and what you want to accomplish. Are you visiting us to resolve issue with aesthetics, comfort, function, pain, or all of the above?

Once we have an understanding of your unique needs, goals, and priorities, our team coordinates with Dr. Jessica and/or Dr. Robert Logan depending on whose strengths will best serve you.

What You Can Learn From Your Consultation

During your consultation you will learn how we function, what we can do for you, and much more. We can help you apply for dental financing, and give you a timeline for getting the results you desire. You will find out what it will take to reach your aesthetic goals, as well as addressing your underlying dental problems and correcting any neuromuscular dental issues which affect your comfort and long-term dental health.

To learn more about cosmetic dentistry or to schedule your consultation, please contact Integrated Dental Aesthetics, in Kinnelon, New Jersey, today.

New Patient Forms

We require all new patients to fill out Patient Registration and Medical History forms prior to having a consultation. For your convenience we have included links to these forms on our website for patients to fill out prior to visiting our office.

**To be able to download forms, please make sure you have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed.

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Medical History Exam
Patient Registration Form
Please Help Us Understand You